7 Hair Care Tips for Winter

February 19, 2019

Oh, yes. 

I heard you saying, “It’s February, 

why is she talking about Winter hair care?”

I’m glad you asked!

Here in Ohio, February is typically one of our colder months. March ushers in what I lovingly refer to as Polar-Summer Wormhole Weather. You never know WHAT is going to happen. Last year, we were 80F on Tuesday and 28F with 4 inches of snow on Wednesday. I’m not lying or exaggerating! It happened.

This year has been extraordinarily unpredictable and erratic. My hair has been wigging out since January! And, from what I’ve seen on The Weather Channel (my favorite TV channel of all time), everyone has been experiencing their own flavor of weather cray-cray!

Depending upon where you live, you may experience anything from chilly drizzles to freezing rain, fluttering flurries to blinding snow, and temperate sunshine to polar blizzards. Sometimes all in the same day!

Extreme temperature fluctuations impact our hair. Cold winter temperatures bring central heating. Warm and hot snaps bring central air conditioning. Both of which the Arch Nemesis of our strong, beautiful, glorious hair! Sucking out the moisture and leaving our locks dry, brittle, and fraught with hair raising static.

Here are my 7 best hair care tips for winter:

1. Skip the super-super-hot showers. The hot water can dry out the skin of your scalp. In turn, the dryness can cause itching, flaking, and irritation, which can cause the hair to look and feel dry, dull and frizzy. Even though a very hot shower is bliss when it’s cold outside, try to contain yourself and wash hair in lukewarm water.


Moment of Truth: I know this is the numero uno best tip ever, but I don’t do it. I can’t. I won’t. I love my hot showers too much. So, here’s what I do to counteract potential damage to my hair: I place a few drops of Uncut’s revive+renew remedy in my conditioner(I use Nourishing Herbal Conditioner), apply to my hair after shampooing and leave on for as long as possible, then rinse. Bliss.

2. Do not scrub your scalp with your fingertips or rub the length of your hair between your hands during shampoo. The friction will damage, frizz and break your fragile strands. Gently massage scalp with the pads of your fingers and rinse the lather down the length of your hair.

Come-to-Jesus Moment of Truth: The only time you rub the length of your hair between your hands is NEVER. Ever.

3. Gently squeeeeze out excess water from hair. Do not shake and rub your hair in a towel like a crazy lady. Friction kills. (See #2) Instead, wrap it in a cotton t-shirt or clean microfiber towel and allow your wet hair to rest for at least 10 minutes.

Moment of Truth: I use a microfiber turban-type hair wrap. I have very long hair and it’s a challenge to get it all wrapped and secured in a t-shirt without screaming.

4. If your hair is long, curly, or damaged, wear protective hairstyles. Do your hair in braids, buns or updos that you can tuck and hide your ends into. These styles will go a long way in protecting your hair from harsh winter winds, cold and humidity. Use Uncut’s mend+defend for added protection from the elements, pollution, and harmful UV rays.

Moment of Truth: On my deep conditioning days, I massage revive+renew remedy into my scalp and down the length of my hair. I twist it in a bun, throw on a headband and wash/condition my hair later in the day. Or, that night. Or, the next day.

5. Avoid going outside with wet hair as much as possible. Especially in the cold! You’ll catch the-monia!

5a. Do not go to bed with wet hair either. Fragile wet hair + friction = Frizz, breakage and hair loss (See #3). And, you'll catch the-monia!

Moment of Truth: I’ve done both (not often). But, when I did, I wore a hat outside and put a t-shirt on my pillow while asleep.

6. For Curly-Qs and hair that’s very damaged, use a multiple conditioning system on your hair. This will layer your hair with moisture, nourishment, continued hydration, and protection. Use a pre-shampoo deep conditioning treatment, like revive+renew remedy on your dry hair prior to cleanse/condition. After you wet your hair and before you shampoo, pre condition wet hair with your usual conditioner. (Nourishing Herbal is our moisturizing Ninja) Then shampoo and condition again. I highly recommend Uncut’s The pHx balancing spray! Spritz it on freshly shampooed/conditioned hair to seal in moisture and strengthen it against breakage. If your hair is especially dry, apply a few drops of revive+renew damp or dry hair for extra moisture and protection.

Moment of Truth: My hair is long and straight, and I use this method every 7-10 days. However, I don’t pre-condition my wet hair before shampooing. I’ve found it’s too much for my poker-straight locks.

7. Do not brush your hair. Use a wide tooth comb. Brush=Bad. Wide tooth comb=Good.

Come-to-Jesus Moment of Truth: Using a brush on your dry hair (CRINGE) is like using sandpaper that will shred, split, frizz and pull out hair. Using a brush on your wet hair (PANIC ATTACK) will stretch, split, break and pull out even the most “attached” hair! And, don’t comb soaking wet hair, either. Let your precious locks rest in a towel for at least 10 minutes.

Girls, give your hair some extra TLC during the wacky weather of winter months. Your precious locks will love you for it! Promise!




Glorious hair.

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